

Bellpad is a reinforced rubber pad that is manufactured with nitrile rubber and fabric to create a material with higher compression strength than non-reinforced rubber pads.

Bellpad is recognized as a CDP (cotton duck pad) type bearing pad. It meets the general requirements of AASHTO section and the material properties of AASHTO section It therefore also meets the requirements of many state DOT codes nationally. Bellpad is commonly used as a compliant bearing pad under rocker bearings, laminated bearings and pot type bearings. As a bearing pad, it is also ideal for use in bridge bearing assemblies, having the ability to transfer high load and accommodate rotation. It is sometimes manufactured with a PTFE sliding surface to allow for expansion. See PTFE bearing pads.

Bellpad material is manufactured to meet the military specification MIL-C-882E. It is also meets the MIL-E-5272A environmental test for resistance to steam, salt spray and water. As such, it contains mold and mildew resistant agents. Bellpad is capable of storing and releasing high amounts of energy per cubic inch at high compressive stresses. These properties allow the material to be used in shock isolation applications to protect machinery and equipment and reduce transmitted forces. It is used in many OEM and industrial applications as a shock isolation pad.